***I want my Reality in Eternity...yes Lord?*

~I miss the Garden Days...I Need an Intense Longing for Your Spirit to Fill me,to Have the Bible as my Manual 4 Living... MORE than Anything else, to Meet You,Overwhelmed & In Awe...in Eden...In Communion & Fellowship...~

Saturday, May 19, 2007

updates on intercession

Dear brothers & sisters in Christ,

thank you so much for praying for us for the past few days.
Indeed the Lord's hand is evidently with us and we witnessed the power of our identity as God's children and the power of being covered by the Blood.

We have been at Siem Reap (Cambodia) for the past 3 days. We cycled around, stopped and prayed at strategic places as the Spirit led, places includes Youth Centres, landmine museum, Siem Reap river, deserted villages. God also used the locals to lead us to specific places that we would have otherwise missed. The most striking example was that the Lord put in one of our member (Wenshan)'s heart through visions and scripture a week before the trip started. At day 1 she shared with us about it but was uncertain whether it is of men or of God.

When we tried to find the land mine museum, 2 locals reiterated that the museum has moved to another province and is no loinger in the original location. Yet in God's divine guidance, as we were looking for a Christian Outreach Centre, we chanced upon a big signboard that says "landmine museum". God then sent another local to approach us and tell us that we can still visit the museum. He then volunteered to lead the way and thus we found our way there.

We walked around the place and prayed. And we also bought some historical books on Cambodia's bloody history. We proceeded to our next destination to Angkor Wat and wondered if that was all to all the hassle in leading us to the land mine musuem.

God's ways are definitely higher than ours. Shuyi who bought 2 bks, felt very lack of peace as she left the museum. Later she then shared that when she was buying the books, her hands trembled as she held on to the books, yet she knew that she had to buy them.

Before entering into Angkor Wat, Shuyi sensed that she cannot bring the 2 books back to Singapore and she has to do something about them. At the end of the Angkor Wat trip, one of the members felt irritated towards another member and it was voiced out. As we cycled back,Shuyi processed about the irritation and recognised that it was unsual and Satan might have used it to disrupt the unity of the team. As we continued the ride, Shuyi felt increasingly uneasy and that there are spirits following us. The sky darkened and street lights were yet out. These added to all our discomfort and clearly put us in a disadvantaged position in our warfare against Satan.

Shuyi then stopped us and told the rest of the members about it. We must admit that fear filled our hearts when she shared. We then gathered by the side of the road to pray. We renounced our association with the books, confessed to God our sin and asked for God's protection and guidance. Whilst praying, there was a particular Cambodian youth who kept talking to us and kept disrupting our prayers. We need to go eleswhere. Thank God too, at that point of time, we bought a lighter from him at USD1. We rode to further up the road to pray and burn the books.

it was rather silly that we decided to burn the books by the road side whereby the ongoing vehicles just created so much wind. We prayed and began to worship whilst trying to start the fire and tearing our the books. Amazingly, when we began to sing 'it only takes a spark', the spark actually got the fire going! Prior to that, we had umpteen times of failure in trying to start the fire. Somehow, the fire was very weak until a curious cambodian came over and squat down beside us. The moment he helped us, the fire blaze and the word is BLAZE! and it was such a great joy because we witnessed how the Lord used the hands of the cambodian to burn up the stories that speak of sorrows in the land. But we also saw how the Lord send him into the picture to partake in this prophetic act. Anyway we were praying as we were burning up the stuff. and at the end the cambodian stayed with us till everything is burnt up and even joined in our prayers to bless cambodia. Our return back for the dinner was also an answered prayer when the cambodian used his bike light to light upo the way and lead us back to our usual dinner place because Ronghui prayed for someone to light up the way and He did!

At the end of the day, after resting and reflecting, we came together to testify of God's divine interventions and guidance and the moment our dear wenshan said 'glorious', there was a flicker and the guesthouse that we were staying in went into a blackout for more than an hour. Praise God! Because the enemy is anxious to fight back...hahaha but it only strengthened us and caused us to pray so loud that the guesthouse owners also hear us praying very loudly.

Shuyi saw a vision of four lights the moment the light went out and was certain that even in darkness, light was in the land because we are in the land and we carry the light of Christ. Ronghui also sensed a strong presence around her and so we prayed and worshipped and eventually felt triumphant and victorious so praise the Lord because we were made stronger through the attack.

Then after an hour plus, let there be light!

This is one of the more major events that took place over the three days. The Lord has interspersed many miraculous signs to affirm us of his presence. DAy in and out, his hand was with us and we are truly awed by His guidance in this trip.

Do pray alongside with us because the spiritual battle is really strong so we really appreciate and need your continued support. 'Thank you so much. May God bless you as you bless us!

Love in Christ,
LOVE Cambodia 2007



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*Please pray with me each time u read this*

1) That i may be broken before the Lord daily
2) That I may abide in Him and that He may abide in me
3) That the Peace of God may direct my steps daily
4) That the Joy of the Lord be the Light of my life
5) That the Love of the Lord will overflow out of me